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Programs/Tuition at NATIVE

Courses for Winter 2025

- This course is offered for all levels of study: from elementary to advanced.

- Number of students in a group — up to 6 people

- Duration of class —1 hour and 15 minutes

- Cost of one class — 40 Belorussian rubles

- Class times — morning, daytime, and evening; weekend

- Schedule — classes meet twice a week: either on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays (If desired, you may attend more classes)

- For beginners

Study in this group implies that you have studied English earlier and have a base knowledge of the language, but have not had practice and now want to start speaking at last. The group consists of no more than 6 people, and the lessons are aimed at practicing conversational speech. From the first few lessons you will not only understand your teacher, but also be able to carry on a conversation.

- For intermediate and advanced students

These lessons for intermediate and advanced students are aimed at perfecting pronunciation, improving vocabulary, and learning expressions. Such a course is needed, first of all, for those who need English at work and in their everyday life. After finishing this course, neither life in an English-speaking nor an interview in English will present a problem for you.


*The cost is subject to change without notice

All courses run from February 2nd to May 22nd, but you may join a group at any time.